
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rainy Day Play

This week has been a little wet and rainy outside. This tends to interrupt our outside play somewhat, which always gives me two boys with lots of energy. Here are some photos of how we use up that energy.

You might see two boys with slinkies but they see TAILS. This means they must run round and round the house full speed, seeing if their tails follow. As you can see, it caused great amusement for me too. How simple is that - just tuck a few coils of a spring in their pants and they're away.

Then we decided to embrace the wet and enjoy the puddles. We did have gumboots and overpants to help try and reduce the wetness factor but boys being boys meant they managed to get extremely wet anyway. Good lesson for me - forget the overpants - just take the clothes off.

After this a long soak and play in the bath was a great way to entertain two boys for a very long time. I was trying to get a few jobs done while they were in there but I kept hearing so much giggling as they 'whale fountained/spurted' water at each other that I just stood and listened, instead of getting my jobs done. I think it was a much better use of my time - a very special sound, carved into my memory.

1 comment:

  1. I reckon bathtime giggles are the best sound - often soothing to a frazzled mum at the end of a day. I remember enjoying the times when I just sat and listened.


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