
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hands-on Nativity Set

Those of you who know me, know that I have a very special Nativity set.  The Willowtree set lives on the top shelf of my bookshelf all year round.  Aquiring this set was progressive, I got a new bit of the set for a number of birthdays and Christmas'.  It is strictly a 'hands-off' nativity set for our boys. 

But the idea of the nativity is very important to what we believe, so I was very excited when I found the toilet paper nativity set by SquiggleMum.  This is our current Christmas Craft.  We have made ours a little differently, people are generally toilet rolls but our animals are playschool style, (flat cardboard decorated with pegs for legs).  Each day we are building, making a little more of the set.  So far we have made Mary, Joseph & a donkey, stable, manger, Jesus, cows and a pig.


There is still lots to make, angels, shepherds, sheep, star, wisemen, camels.  I'm thinking I can make this last all the way to Christmas.  By then I'm sure they will all be very loved and we will have to throw them away and start again next year. 

Isaiah is really enjoying the process of the set building a little more each day. 

This is what it is all about to me - the process of him learning what Christmas is all about in a hands on way that brings it to life for him.  Today, we were talking about Mary being pregnant and having baby Jesus when they got to the stable.  So Isaiah grabs Jesus, sticks him inside Mary and says, 'He has to be in there first Mum, then he comes out'. Isaiah then lifted Mary up and put Jesus into the manger.  I was amazing at how well he is picking up what was going on.

I'll show you the progress over the next few days.

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