
Friday, January 21, 2011

Pants, toes and rolls

Well, I have been going to make Eli a pair of Anna Maria Horner's Quick Change Pants from her book Handmade Beginnings for almost the last three months (yes, he is nearly 3 months old already). I was inspired to actually get to the machine and do it this week by SouleMama's warm pants. So during the boys quiet time yesterday I finally got to it.

How cute are those toes.

I love the different yoke on the back.

The inside - yes they are reversible

Look how big my little baby boy is getting.

You can see a bunch of very cute rolls up his arms. Well as cute as they are they do create some sadness. Due to the rolls up his legs, these pants don't fit when he is wearing a cloth nappy. I made the 3 months size, thinking it would be ok for a while but it isn't. NOoooo! And that was the last of my owl fabric so I can't just whip up another pair in the next size.
So my answer to this problem - put him in them every time we go out for the next month or so (we use 'plastic' nappies when we are out). I am going to do my best to wear them out. So if you see us out and about in the next month - expect to see these pants!

For those of you who are wondering, the rug is a special present, made by my mother-in-law for my 21st birthday so I don't know what the pattern is - but I could find out for you if you are interested. Just ask!
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  1. Looks like I'd`better get myself home very soon -- this little guy is growing up so fast I hardly recognise him. Give him a very big cuddle from his Nan. xxoo

  2. PS... I love the pants Ains. Love Mum

  3. Hi Ainz, I love these quick change pants....I first saw them on Soule Mama and think they are great....planning on making the boys a pair each)) love the material you made as well. Hope your all fairing well after what happened with the floods.


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