
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fabric Return

Most of the fabric in my sewing cupboard had been given to me by various people.  I think it would be safe to say the I have paid for less than 1/3 of what fills my cupboard to overflowing.  I am so thankful for all the fabric donations.  Sometimes I do look at it all and wonder what I am ever going to make out of it.  This week however I had a light bulb moment.  It's mother's day this weekend in Australia and I thought I could be really clever and make a 241 Tote for my mum using fabric that she has given me.

The blue bird fabric was given to my mum by her brother many years ago when he returned from an overseas trip and the brown stripe linen was inherited from my dad's aunt.  Amazingly the browns match really well.  I was excited that I had enough blue scraps to use it for the inside pocket too.  I know mum will be happy to see something for her with my label on it.  I am looking forward to her reaction when she sees her fabric made into a useable and practical gift.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the wonderful mum's out there.

PS. My mum loved it and was very happy to see her fabric.

1 comment:

  1. What a special way for your mum to be able to keep parts of these fabrics... and actually use them, rather than having them in storage!! You've done a great job on the bag, Ains. (Love Ree)


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