
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Finally Finished

Sewing has been a rare event in my life lately.  I've snatched a few minutes here and there, working away on some cushions for a friends little girls bedroom.  However, when the same project has been moved from the sewing table, to the ironing board, to the bed and back again numerous times, one tends to get a little tired of the fabric, the colours and even the whole project. I have visions of a sewing room where I don't have to put projects away, but can just leave them out, mid project ready for the next time I have a few minutes.

Anyway - I finally finish this prolonged project last week.  I actually had lots of fun, using pink fabric, putting hearts on them and making something girly.  Not something I get to do much of around here.


  1. They look great, Ainsley! Love the colours you chose and the combo of stripes and flowers and hearts. Well done!

  2. I love these Ainz!! They look great you clevel girl. I can relate to the lack of sewing time as well..hence most of posts are about cooking and family life at the moment. Can't wait to see more creations!


Thanks so much for taking the time to 'chat' with me!