
Friday, December 9, 2011

Our Advent Adventure - Week 1

I thought I'd share some of our advent activities thus far with you. 
The boys are loving getting the next number each day and talking about the lead up to Christmas and Jesus birth each day.

Paint toe nails red and green
Put up Christmas decorations
Buy a present for someone who has less than us
Make Mary, Joseph and a donkey (the start of our toilet roll nativity set)
Read all the Christmas books we can find in our shelf
Choose the cake we are going to make for Jesus birthday cake
And yet to happen today - make shepherds & sheep.

I'll try to give another update next week but no promises. I might just be too caught up in the activities to remember to report in!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE IT ALL! What a brilliant Mum you are. The toilet roll Nativity is priceless. And the Nativity board is just so lovely... I am dying to see what happens next... grace


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