
Thursday, November 15, 2012

3 Things - This weeks sewing projects

Binding for a baby blanket (I'll show you more in a few days)

First time I've quilted anything

The first of many 'racer' shorts.

Have you made any time for yourself this week??


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those shorts are super cute!!! And can I just say that the love that has gone into making that knitted blanket is what makes it so precious! oxox

  3. The last two Sundays I've had the family room to myself, and it's been really nice to have 'me time' - I've discovered that I defintely recharge by being by myself, and doing something, not by being with people. In the last few weeks, I've made some paper flowers, a moustache stamp, and upcycled a tshirt... must blog pictures soon!



Thanks so much for taking the time to 'chat' with me!