
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Truth in the Tinsel!

If there is one thing I've learnt about myself in my first year of being a homeschool mum it is this..

I am not a 'fly by the seat of my pants' type person.

I need a plan and to be organised, otherwise it just doesn't happen.  If I try to grab what I need 5 mins before the lesson it ends up taking too long, the kids lose focus and end up in a different area or outside playing in the hose!!  I've lost the focus and desire to pull everyone back together.  This is a very good lesson to learn early in our homeschool journey.  This will help me lots when deciding which  curriculum to buy.  We have done ok this year but we succeeded best with the programs that were all laid out for me or the ones the I really like and put the effort into planning.

So  when I found Truth in the Tinsel I knew it was perfect for me and our family.  I was planning to make my own advent calendar and activities to go in it like I did last year but when I found this I gave up all thoughts of that!!

Truth in the Tinsel is a bible based advent for little kids that gives them a great understanding of Jesus coming and why using simple crafts that can hang on the Christmas tree.  Most the of supplies needed are things I have in my house (There is a list in the front of the book so you can check out everything that you need).  The few things in the list that I don't have are now on my shopping list for this week. (see I like to be organised).

AND - yes there is more - for those of us that get busy in December and have no hope of doing a craft EVERY day, there are simple print and colour ornaments that you can buy too.  How great is that.  I'm sure we'll be doing these on our town days!!

I don't think I can commit to showing you what we do each day but I'll try show you maybe once a week what we've made - I think that is more achievable.

Do you have an advent planned for you family?? If not, perhaps you could join us with Truth in the Tinsel.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear how you are addressing learning about the real meaning of Christmas this year. I have seen this book advertised around and wondered what it was like. Too young for my kids (just a tad!!). I'm hoping to look into what we'll study shortly too. You've inspired me to do it sooner rather than later... very aware of having older kids and needing to find resources that doesn't just hash over stuff they've done for years. Love to your family.


Thanks so much for taking the time to 'chat' with me!